6 Reasons Why You Fail to Reach Your Goals
While some of us reach our goals, others struggle and fall short. Some people have huge goals like becoming millionaires or even owning a football team. Others want to live a peaceful life, spend more time with their families or spouses, and not stress too much.
No matter what the goal, it is important to remember that goals take you from point A to point B. But that’s only if you’re truly committed to them.
In this article we’ll take a look at the six most common reasons you’re not reaching your goals:
1. Failing to Create a Realistic Plan
If you fall into this category, don’t be discouraged. At some point in your life, you’ve likely heard that “nothing is impossible”. Some of us really believe this. While having higher standards can be beneficial for most people, some people may sabotage themselves. It’s possible to aim too high at the beginning. Some aim for $5 million by the end of the year despite earning $2k a month right now.
Keep your goals realistic. Not too big, not too small.
2. Constant Search of Motivation
Motivation is extremely subjective. It really differs from person to person. While for some individuals motivation is never an issue, others can struggle a lot in order to keep themselves motivated and focused on their goals.
In order to reach your goals, you don’t need to be motivated. You need to be driven. That means that your main goal should be the first and only thing you see when you wake up and when you go to sleep.
3. Comparing Yourself to Others
In a world where being mainstream is no longer valued, differentiating yourself from the majority is your best chance to get noticed. Sometimes, you’ll feel attracted to compare yourself to other individuals or businesses.
It’s normal to be curious. Maybe you wonder about what other people do or how they compare to you. Are they more successful? You see…all these questions are not supposed to influence you.
In fact, they can stimulate a little bit of motivation. If outside influences are making you frustrated, then you should definitely ignore them.
Start looking after your own skin. Change your mindset, your actions, and stop comparing yourself to external sources. What you do is unique and matters; keep that in mind.
4. Listening to People
Listening to your closest friends and family is often a good idea. It is a productive way of sharing thoughts. However, others can influence your own decisions. The more you believe what other people say, the more you’ll implement it into your reality.
If you believe that you can do something; reach a specific goal, you might need to try ignoring the opinions of others and going for it.
5. Setting Too Many Targets and Goals
This is another common mistake. See, creating too many goals creates chaos in your life. A goal should take a lot of time and effort to be completed.
The more you focus on one or two goals (that’s the maximum I recommend), the more progress you’ll make. This will lead to more results.
Whenever you set goals, write them all down and mark them from one to ten according to their importance. Start with the first ones and move on to the next as you complete the previous ones.
6. Giving Up Too Early
Did you know that most successful people never gave up on their goals? For example, look at Thomas Edison. He invented the light bulb despite failing thousands of times.
Sometimes we’re just one step closer to the success we desire. Never give up on your dreams and goals. Always try to stay positive while going through rough times.
Being able to reach a goal is really a big deal. What you’re basically doing is changing your current situation. To be more precise, you are improving your life by going from where you are now to where you want to be.
In order to make this article even more helpful, here’s how you should approach a set of useful actions in order to get you started.
First, identify which one of the six problems applies to you. Maybe it’s another reason, something not mentioned here; maybe there is more than just one reason.
The second step is to write down all these reasons you’re delaying your goals. Once you are aware of them, it’s going to be much easier to create better habits and leave the unproductive actions behind.
Source: https://productivityist.com